As you may be able to tell, I been trying to get back into this website thing. I have been out of the business for quite a few years. Now, I am finding out just how out of practice I am and how much I have simply forgotten how to do, though it’s kindof starting to come back to me. The more I do, the more I am remembering. Yays! It’s prolly pretty good for my brain health and at my age all that kind of stimulation is a good thing.
Gotta thank WordPress as this has made it pretty easy to get something up and running pretty quickly.
Relearning some photoshop skills. I was never a creative artist. Wish I had been that good. More of a production artist…or at least used to be. Bit of practice will help.
Downloaded the GreenSock GSAP (3.12.5) library and will start relearning that. Used to do a bit of Flash Programming and animation. Flash has gone the way of the dinosaur these days. Kindof miss flash but GreenSock is pretty great and dangit, it sure seems to run so much better.
My first step will be to try and update an older GreenSock animation I did. Originally the animation had been done in Flash and once that was no longer supported, I converted it to GreenSock. Soon as I get that done, I will post it here.
Have a great day.